Tailored business evaluation

Do you need a customized company valuation by an experienced expert? NIMBO offers a practical and efficient company valuation for SMEs at a fixed price.

Not sure? Arrange a telephone conversation.


NIMBO is a leader in company valuations for SMEs

Market oriented

We evaluate based on many years of practical experience in buying and selling companies.


A company valuation in a few days at a fixed price.

Tailor-made company valuation at a fixed price*

Select the desired currency (prices include taxes):


Not sure? Arrange a phone call with us.


Not sure? Arrange a phone call with us.


Not sure? Arrange a phone call with us.


Not sure? Arrange a phone call with us.


Not sure? Arrange a phone call with us.

  • Ready to negotiate with buyers/sellers
  • Company valuation by experts with many years of practical experience
  • Tailored to your situation and the company
  • Evaluation model in Excel format and accompanying text
  • We will guide you through the company valuation in detail and clarify all your questions
  • Including 6 months of use of the full version of our online company rating
  • Money back after initial consultation if our evaluation is not right for you.

*In the case of very exceptionally complex cases, NIMBO reserves the right to charge additional working hours in the hourly rate after consultation with the customer (see General Terms and Conditions for details).

Process: 5 steps to a tailor-made company valuation

Step 1: Online company valuation

After ordering the individual company valuation, you will receive access to the full version of our online company valuation. This serves as the basis for the initial consultation.

Step 2: First meeting

In a first conversation we get to know you, your needs and the company to be valued. We will give you initial information and recommendations. We will explain to you how we would proceed with the assessment for your company in order to do justice to your individual situation and your goals.

If our offer does not meet your needs, you can take advantage of our money-back guarantee .

Step 3: List of information requirements

We will send you a list of the information you need to prepare the company valuation.

Step 4: Individual company valuation

We create an evaluation model tailored to the company and your negotiating position, based on Excel. You will receive an Excel file and an accompanying text.

Step 5: Debriefing

We will guide you through the company valuation in detail and answer your questions.

Supported countries and languages


  • Australia
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Canada
  • Austria
  • Switzerland
  • Spain
  • South Africa
  • UK
  • USA


  • English
  • Deutsch
  • French


Please note our terms and conditions for individual company reviews

In particular, please note:

The company valuation is expressly not an appraisal . NIMBO cannot guarantee to what extent the company valuation will be accepted by third parties (e.g. authorities). NIMBO disclaims any liability for any consequences of using the individual company valuation. NIMBO carries out the evaluation based on the information provided by the customer and does not check this information.

The results of the company valuation represent a subjective value orientation and can differ significantly from the actual prices paid. Even serious errors cannot be ruled out. It is up to the customer to decide whether and how to use the valuation.

The preparation of the company valuation requires considerable cooperation from the customer; in particular, the customer must provide all the necessary information.